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Representative Literature References

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Year Product PN Sep. Mode Broad Sample Category Specific Sample Title
2016Zenix SEC-100N/ASECWastewaterN/ACharacterization of a hybrid powdered activated carbon-dynamic membrane bioreactor (PAC-DMBR) process with high flux by gravity flow: Operational performance and sludge properties
Bioresource Technology, Volume 223, 2017, Pages 65-73, ISSN 0960-8524,
2016Zenix SEC-100N/ASECDendritic Polymer, Polymeric NanomedicinesN/AIn vivo comparative study of distinct polymeric architectures bearing a combination of paclitaxel and doxorubicin at a synergistic ratio
J Control Release. 2017 Jul 10;257:118-131. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2016.06.037
2016Proteomix RP-1000465950-2115RPADCTrastuzumab-derived variants containing pAMF were conjugated to MMAF, MMAE, and maytansinoidRP-HPLC DAR Characterization of Site-Specific Antibody Drug Conjugates Produced in a Cell-Free Expression System
Org. Process Res. Dev. 2016, 20, 6, 1034–1043
2016Zenix-C SEC-80N/ASECPolymeric SubstancesN/ADevelopment of a Simple Nonbiological Method for Converting Lignin-Derived Aromatics into Nonaromatic Polymeric Substances with Fluorescent Activity
ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2016, 4 (8), pp 4411–4416 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01009
2016N/AN/AIEXProteinN/AAntibody-Free Approach for the Global Analysis of Protein Methylation
Anal Chem. 2016 Dec 6;88(23):11319-11327. Epub 2016 Nov 14.
2016SRT SEC-1000215950-7830SECVLP/Virus/Vaccinevaccine proteinChimeric HBcAg virus-like particles presenting a HPV 16 E7 epitope significantly suppressed tumor progression through preventive or therapeutic immunization in a TC-1-grafted mouse model
International journal of nanomedicine 11 (2016): 2417.
2016SRT SEC-300N/ASECBispecific AntibodyN/AA “Trojan horse” bispecific-antibody strategy for broad protection against ebolaviruses
Science 21 Oct 2016: Vol. 354, Issue 6310, pp. 350-354 DOI: 10.1126/science.aag3267
2016Zenix SEC-300N/ASECBispecific AntibodyN/AAn efficient route to bispecific antibody production using single-reactor mammalian coculture
MAbs. 2016 Nov/Dec;8(8):1487-1497.
2016Zenix-C SEC-300N/ASECPeptideN/AGenetic fusion of human FGF21 to a synthetic polypeptide improves pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in a mouse model of obesity
Br J Pharmacol. 2016 Jul;173(14):2208-23. doi: 10.1111/bph.13499.
2016Zenix-C SEC-300N/ASECADC, Fusion ProteinN/ATargeted Drug Delivery with an Integrin-Binding Knottin-Fc-MMAF Conjugate Produced by Cell-Free-Protein Synthesis
Mol Cancer Ther. 2016 Jun;15(6):1291-300. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163
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