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Representative Literature References

Click a row to open its literature reference.
Product PN Separation Mode
Broad Sample Type Specific Sample
Year Product PN Sep. Mode Broad Sample Category Specific Sample Title
2023SRT-10 SEC-300225300-21230SECProteinN/AResurrecting ancestral antibiotics: unveiling the origins of modern lipid II targeting glycopeptides
2020SRT-10 SEC-300225300-21230SECProteinSTS-1 enzymeAn unexpected 2-histidine phosphoesterase activity of Suppressor of T cell receptor signaling protein-1 contributes to the suppression of cell signaling
Journal of Biological Chemistry 295.25 (2020): 8514-8523.
2020Zenix-C SEC-300233300-4630SECProteinHuman interleukin 11α receptorThe structure of the extracellular domains of human interleukin 11α receptor reveals mechanisms of cytokine engagement
Protein Structure and Folding Volume 295, Issue 24, p8285-8301, June 2020
2020SRT SEC-300N/ASECProteinHEX Antibody carrier or HEX-antibody complexesCharacterization and Control of Dynamic Rearrangement in a Self-Assembled Antibo
2020SRT-C SEC-500235500-21230SECProteinProteinA Global Screen for Assembly State Changes of the Mitotic Proteome by SEC-SWATH-MS
Cell Systems Volume 10, Issue 2, 26 February 2020, Pages 133-155.e6
2018SRT SEC-300N/ASECProteinN/AZinc(II) binding on human wild-type ISCU and Met140 variants modulates Fe-S complex activity
bioRxiv 262477; doi:
2018N/AN/AIEXProteinN/AEGF Regulates the Interaction of Tks4 with Src through Its SH2 and SH3 Domains
Biochemistry, 2018, 57 (28), pp 4186–4196 DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00084
2018N/AN/ASECProteinN/AA Haloalkane Dehalogenase from a Marine Microbial Consortium Possessing Exceptionally Broad Substrate Specificity
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. January 2018 vol. 84 no. 2 e01684-17
2018N/AN/AIEXProteinN/ACharacterization of Human Serum Albumin isoforms by ion exchange chromatography coupled on-line to native mass spectrometry
Journal of Chromatography B, 2018, , ISSN 1570-0232
2017Zenix SEC-150N/ASECProteinN/AHow to Avoid Size Mismatch Between Solutes and Column Pores for Optimum HPLC Performance
American Laboratory June/July 2017
2016N/AN/AIEXProteinN/AAntibody-Free Approach for the Global Analysis of Protein Methylation
Anal Chem. 2016 Dec 6;88(23):11319-11327. Epub 2016 Nov 14.
2016Zenix SEC-300N/ASECProteinN/ARapid analysis of protein expression and solubility with the SpyTag–SpyCatcher system
Protein Expression and Purification Volume 117, January 2016, Pages 44–51
2016SRT SEC-150N/ASECProteinN/AHow Aromatic Compounds Block DNA Binding of HcaR Catabolite Regulator
The Journal of Biochemistry, April 25, 2016, 10.1074/jbc.M115.712067
2015SRT SEC-300215300-4625SECProteinchemokine receptor (45kd), viral chemokine, disulfide trapped complexes (55kd), N terminal-Cys CXCR4-Cys: Chemokine Receptor vMIP-II-Cys: viral chemokineSupplementary Materials for Crystal structure of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 in
2015Zenix-C SEC-300N/ASECProteinlentil legumin-like proteinImpact of pH on molecular structure and surface properties of lentil legumin-lik
2015Zenix-C SEC-300N/ASECProteinN/AAutomated two-step chromatography using an ÄKTA equipped with in-line dilution capability
Journal of Chromatography A Volume 1424, 11 December 2015, Pages 51–58
2015Zenix-C SEC-300N/ASECProteinN/ACharacterization and quantification of histidine degradation in therapeutic protein formulations by size exclusion-hydrophilic interaction two dimensional-liquid chromatography with stable-isotope labeling mass spectrometry
Journal of Chromatography A Volume 1426, 24 December 2015, Pages 133–139
2015SRT SEC-150N/ASECProteinN/AThe structure of a contact-dependent growth-inhibition (CDI) immunity protein from Neisseria meningitidis MC58
Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. 2015 Jun 1;71(Pt 6):702-9.
2015Zenix SEC-150N/ASECProteinN/ANanosecond electric pulses deprive zinc ions of carboxypeptidase G2
Bioelectrochemistry 101 (2015) 42–45
2015Zenix-C SEC-300N/ASECProteinN/AImpact of pH on molecular structure and surface properties of lentillegumin-like protein and its application as foam stabilizer
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 132 (2015) 45–53
2015Nanofilm SEC-500N/ASECProteinN/AUpregulation of Glycans Containing 3′ Fucose in a Subset of Pancreatic Cancers Uncovered Using Fusion-Tagged Lectins
J. Proteome Res. 2015, 14, 2594-2605
2015N/AN/ASECProteinN/AApplication of coupled affinity-sizing chromatography for the detection of proteolyzed HSA-tagged proteins
Protein Expr Purif. 2015 Apr;108:80-4
2014N/AN/AIEXProteinN/AProcess-scale purification and analytical characterization of highly gamma-carboxylated recombinant human prothrombin
J Chromatogr A, 1325, 171-8
2014Zenix SEC-300N/ASECProteinN/AConverting a Binding Protein into a Biosensing Conformational Switch Using Protein Fragment Exchange
Biochemistry, 53 (34), pp 5505-5514
2014SRT SEC-150215150-7830SECProteinBcRsaM proteinRsaM: a transcriptional regulator of Burkholderia spp. with novel fold
FEBS J. 2014 Sep;281(18):4293-306
2014SRT SEC-150N/ASECProteinN/ASensor domain of histidine kinase KinB of Pseudomonas: a helix-swapped dimer
J Biol Chem, 289(18), 12232-44
2014Zenix SEC-300N/ASECProteinN/AHigh-throughput ion exchange purification of positively charged recombinant protein in the presence of negatively charged dextran sulfate
Biotechnol Prog, 30(2), 516-20
2014Zenix SEC-100N/ASECProteinN/AInfluence of molecular weight on intracellular antioxidant activity of invasive silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) protein hydrolysates
Journal of Functional Foods
2013SRT SEC-150215150-7825SECProteinLysozyme-like Protein, STM3605 proteinNew sub-family of lysozyme-like proteins shows no catalytic activity: crystallographic and biochemical study of STM3605 protein from Salmonella Typhimurium
Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics volume 14, pages1–10 (2013)
2013Bio-C8N/AOTHERProteinN/ASmall serum protein-1 changes the susceptibility of an apoptosis-inducing metalloproteinase HV1 to a metalloproteinase inhibitor in habu snake (Trimeresurus flavoviridis)
J Biochem. 2013 Jan; 153(1): 121-129.
2013N/AN/AOTHERProteinN/AModeling of protein electrophoresis in silica colloidal crystals having brush layers of polyacrylamide
Electrophoresis. 2013 Mar; 34(5): 753-760.
2013Nanofilm SEC-500N/ASECProteinN/AStructure of a PLS-class Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein Provides Insights into Mechanism of RNA Recognition
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288, 31540-31548
2012Zenix SEC-300N/ASECProteinN/ARapid quantification of protein–polyethylene glycol conjugates by multivariate evaluation of chromatographic data
Journal of Chromatography A, Volume 1257, Pages 41-47
2012Zenix SEC-300N/ASECProteinN/AAccurate retention time determination of co-eluting proteins in analytical chromatography by means of spectral data
Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Volume 110, Issue 3, pages 683-693,
2011SRT SEC-150215150-7825SECProteinProteinHigh-throughput protein purification and quality assessment for crystallization
Methods Volume 55, Issue 1, September 2011, Pages 12-28
2011Nanofilm SEC-250N/ASECProteinN/AAn enzyme from the earthworm Eisenia fetida is not only a protease but also a deoxyribonuclease
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 407 (2011) 113–117
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