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Representative Literature References

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Year Product PN Sep. Mode Broad Sample Category Specific Sample Title
2023Zenix-C SEC-300233300-7830SECADCGlycan-based Site Specific ADCHiding Payload Inside the IgG Fc Cavity Significantly Enhances the Therapeutic Index of Antibody Drug Conjugates
2022Proteomix RP-1000465950-2110RPADCAnti-HER2 Immune-Stimulating ADCDesign and Characterization of Immune-Stimulating Imidazo[4,5-c]quinoline Antibody-Drug Conjugates
2022SRT SEC-1000 PEEK215950P-4630SECVLP/Virus/VaccineAAV8 and AAV9Mechanistic Studies and Formulation Mitigations of Adeno-associated Virus Capsid Rupture During Freezing and Thawing: Mechanisms of Freeze/Thaw Induced AAV Rupture
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2022).
2022Bio-C4110043-4625, 110043-10025RPVLP/Virus/VaccinePEGylated Lipsome PeptideA Dual pH-Responsive DOX-Encapsulated Liposome Combined with Glucose Administration Enhanced Therapeutic Efficacy of Chemotherapy for Cancer
Int J Nanomedicine. 2021; 16: 3185–
2022SRT SEC-500215500-4630SECVLP/Virus/VaccineAAV9, AAV2Biophysical Characterization of Viral and Lipid-Based Vectors for Vaccines and Therapeutics with Light Scattering and Calorimetric Techniques
2022SRT-10C SEC-300239300-30030SECAntibodymAbDevelopment of a robust and semi-automated two-step antibody purification process
Mabs. Vol. 13. No. 1. Taylor & Francis, 2021.
2022BR-C18102185-4625RPSmall Moleculepaclitaxel (PTX)Gelatin Coating for the Improvement of Stability and Cell Uptake of Hydrophobic Drug-Containing Liposomes
Molecules 27.3 (2022): 1041.
2022SRT SEC-1000215950P-4630SECVLP/Virus/VaccineAAVImpact of Time Out of Intended Storage and Freeze-thaw Rates on the Stability of Adeno-associated Virus 8 and 9
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. January 06, 2022DOI:
2022SRT SEC-2000215980P-4630SECDNA/RNA/OLIGOcirc-arRNAEngineered circular ADAR-recruiting RNAs increase the efficiency and fidelity of RNA editing in vitro and in vivo
Nature Biotechnology (2022): 1-10.
2021Proteomix RP-1000465950-2105RPADCCysteine ADC based on IgG1In-situ Reverse Phased HPLC Analysis of Intact Antibody-Drug Conjugates
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