Click a row to open its literature reference.
2025 | SRT SEC-300 | 215300-7830 | SEC | Protein | TIR and cGAS inhibitors | Structure-guided discovery of viral proteins that inhibit host immunity
| SRT SEC-300215300-7830ProteinTIR and cGAS inhibitors
2025 | SRT-C SEC-300 | 235300-7830,235300-7805 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | Epitopes from overlapping 10mer regions | A broad spectrum Shigella vaccine based on VirG53-353 multiepitope region produced in a cell-free system
| SRT-C SEC-300235300-7830,235300-7805VLP/Virus/VaccineEpitopes from overlapping 10mer regions
2025 | SRT SEC-1000 | 215950-7830 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | AAV5 | Formulation development and feasibility of AAV5 as a lyophilized drug product
| SRT SEC-1000215950-7830VLP/Virus/VaccineAAV5
2025 | Proteomix HIC Phenyl-NP5 | 433NP5-4610 | HIC | Antibody | Small Molecuele Conjugation | Process Analytical Technology for Real-Time Monitoring of Pharmaceutical Bioconjugation Reactions
| Proteomix HIC Phenyl-NP5433NP5-4610AntibodySmall Molecuele Conjugation
2024 | Proteomix HIC Butyl-NP5 | 431NP5-4610 | HIC | Antibody | Protein Tyrosine Sulfation | Structure-function Relationship Study for Sulfated Protein Therapeutics Using Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
| Proteomix HIC Butyl-NP5431NP5-4610AntibodyProtein Tyrosine Sulfation
2024 | Unix-C SEC-300 | 231300-4615, 231300-4602 | SEC | Fusion Protein | RV3 Fusion (F) Protein | Universal Paramyxovirus Vaccine Design by Stabilizing Regions Involved in Structural Transformation of the Fusion Protein
| Unix-C SEC-300231300-4615, 231300-4602Fusion ProteinRV3 Fusion (F) Protein
2024 | Proteomix HIC Butyl-NP5 | 431NP5-4625 | HIC | BsMAb | Monoclonal Antibodies | In-Depth Characterization for Methionine Oxidization in Complementary Domain Region by Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography
| Proteomix HIC Butyl-NP5431NP5-4625BsMAbMonoclonal Antibodies
2024 | Proteomix WAX-NP5 | 404NP5-4605 | IEX | Metal | Hexavalent Chromium Cr(VI) | Development of a Fast Method Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Coupled with High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and Exploration of the Reduction Mechanism of Cr(VI) in Foods
| Proteomix WAX-NP5404NP5-4605MetalHexavalent Chromium Cr(VI)
2024 | Proteomix SCX-NP3 | 401NP3-4615 | IEX | Antibody | Monoclonal Antibodies | Online Multimethod Platform for Comprehensive Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies in Cell Culture Fluid a Single Sample Injection - Intact Protein Workflow
| Proteomix SCX-NP3401NP3-4615AntibodyMonoclonal Antibodies
2024 | SRT SEC-1000 | 215950-7815 | SEC | Nanoparticle | Mosaic Influenza | Mosaic Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine Single Nanoparticle Characterization
| SRT SEC-1000215950-7815NanoparticleMosaic Influenza
2024 | SRT SEC-500 | 215500-4630 | SEC | Antibody | Complex with mAb | Characterization of Large Immune Complexes with Size Exclusion Chromatography and Native Mass Spectrometry Supplemented with Gas Phase Ion Chemistry
| SRT SEC-500215500-4630AntibodyComplex with mAb
2024 | Bio C-18 | 106185-4625 | RP | Nanoparticle | PEGylated Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles | Overcoming the Blood-Brain Tumor Barrier with Docetaxel-Loaded Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles for Treatment of Temozolomide-Resistant Glioblastoma
| Bio C-18106185-4625NanoparticlePEGylated Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles
2024 | Unix-C SEC-300 | 231300-4615 | SEC | Antibody | HIV-1 Env Antibody | Absolute quantitation of binding antibodies from clinical samples
| Unix-C SEC-300231300-4615AntibodyHIV-1 Env Antibody
2024 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | 233300-7830 | SEC | Membrane Protein | GPCR | Structural insights into CXCR4 modulation and oligomerization
| Zenix-C SEC-300233300-7830Membrane ProteinGPCR
2023 | Proteomix HIC Butyl-NP5 | N/A | HIC | Antibody | MAb | Antibody-mediated protection against symptomatic COVID-19 can be achieved at low serum neutralizing titers
| Proteomix HIC Butyl-NP5N/AAntibodyMAb
2023 | SRT-10 SEC-300 | 225300-21230 | SEC | Protein | N/A | Resurrecting ancestral antibiotics: unveiling the origins of modern lipid II targeting glycopeptides
| SRT-10 SEC-300225300-21230ProteinN/A
2023 | SRT SEC-1000 | 215950-30030 | SEC | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | circRNA | Circular mRNA-based TCR-T offers a safe and effective therapeutic strategy for treatment of cytomegalovirus infection
| SRT SEC-1000215950-30030DNA/RNA/OLIGOcircRNA
2023 | SRT SEC-2000 | 215980-10030 | SEC | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | circRNA | The RNA ligation method using modified splint DNAs significantly improves the efficiency of circular RNA synthesis
| SRT SEC-2000215980-10030DNA/RNA/OLIGOcircRNA
2023 | SRT SEC-1000 | 215950-4630 | SEC | AAV | AAV9 | Application of Size Exclusion Chromatography with Multi-Angle Light Scattering in the Analytical Development of a Preclinical Stage Gene Therapy Program
| SRT SEC-1000215950-4630AAVAAV9
2023 | Proteomix HIC Butyl-NP5 | 431NP5-4603 | HIC | ADC | Thienoduocarmycin-trastuzumab ADC | Novel Thienoduocarmycin-trastuzumab ADC Demonstrates Strong Anti-tumor Efficacy
| Proteomix HIC Butyl-NP5431NP5-4603ADCThienoduocarmycin-trastuzumab ADC
2023 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | 233300-7830 | SEC | ADC | Glycan-based Site Specific ADC | Hiding Payload Inside the IgG Fc Cavity Significantly Enhances the Therapeutic Index of Antibody Drug Conjugates
| Zenix-C SEC-300233300-7830ADCGlycan-based Site Specific ADC
2022 | Proteomix RP-1000 | 465950-2110 | RP | ADC | Anti-HER2 Immune-Stimulating ADC | Design and Characterization of Immune-Stimulating Imidazo[4,5-c]quinoline Antibody-Drug Conjugates
| Proteomix RP-1000465950-2110ADCAnti-HER2 Immune-Stimulating ADC
2022 | SRT SEC-1000 PEEK | 215950P-4630 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | AAV8 and AAV9 | Mechanistic Studies and Formulation Mitigations of Adeno-associated Virus Capsid Rupture During Freezing and Thawing: Mechanisms of Freeze/Thaw Induced AAV Rupture Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (2022). | SRT SEC-1000 PEEK215950P-4630VLP/Virus/VaccineAAV8 and AAV9
2022 | Bio-C4 | 110043-4625, 110043-10025 | RP | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | PEGylated Lipsome Peptide | A Dual pH-Responsive DOX-Encapsulated Liposome Combined with Glucose Administration Enhanced Therapeutic Efficacy of Chemotherapy for Cancer Int J Nanomedicine. 2021; 16: 3185– | Bio-C4110043-4625, 110043-10025VLP/Virus/VaccinePEGylated Lipsome Peptide
2022 | SRT SEC-500 | 215500-4630 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | AAV9, AAV2 | Biophysical Characterization of Viral and Lipid-Based Vectors for Vaccines and Therapeutics with Light Scattering and Calorimetric Techniques | SRT SEC-500215500-4630VLP/Virus/VaccineAAV9, AAV2
2022 | SRT-10C SEC-300 | 239300-30030 | SEC | Antibody | mAb | Development of a robust and semi-automated two-step antibody purification process Mabs. Vol. 13. No. 1. Taylor & Francis, 2021. | SRT-10C SEC-300239300-30030AntibodymAb
2022 | BR-C18 | 102185-4625 | RP | Small Molecule | paclitaxel (PTX) | Gelatin Coating for the Improvement of Stability and Cell Uptake of Hydrophobic Drug-Containing Liposomes Molecules 27.3 (2022): 1041. | BR-C18102185-4625Small Moleculepaclitaxel (PTX)
2022 | SRT SEC-1000 | 215950P-4630 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | AAV | Impact of Time Out of Intended Storage and Freeze-thaw Rates on the Stability of Adeno-associated Virus 8 and 9 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. January 06, 2022DOI: | SRT SEC-1000215950P-4630VLP/Virus/VaccineAAV
2022 | SRT SEC-2000 | 215980P-4630 | SEC | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | circ-arRNA | Engineered circular ADAR-recruiting RNAs increase the efficiency and fidelity of RNA editing in vitro and in vivo Nature Biotechnology (2022): 1-10. | SRT SEC-2000215980P-4630DNA/RNA/OLIGOcirc-arRNA
2021 | Proteomix RP-1000 | 465950-2105 | RP | ADC | Cysteine ADC based on IgG1 | In-situ Reverse Phased HPLC Analysis of Intact Antibody-Drug Conjugates
| Proteomix RP-1000465950-2105ADCCysteine ADC based on IgG1
2021 | SRT SEC-500 | 215500-4630 | SEC | Antibody | IgG | Comparative Analysis of Antibodies and Heavily Glycosylated Macromolecular Immune Complexes by Size-Exclusion Chromatography Multi-Angle Light Scattering, Native Charge Detection Mass Spectrometry, and Mass Photometry Analytical Chemistry (2021). | SRT SEC-500215500-4630AntibodyIgG
2021 | Zenix-C and Proteomix HIC butyl-NP5 | 233300-7830 &, 431NP5-4603 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | mAbs - SARS-CoV-2 | Rapid Identification of Neutralizing Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 Variants by mRNA Display Cell Reports (2022): 110348. | Zenix-C and Proteomix HIC butyl-NP5233300-7830 & 431NP5-4603VLP/Virus/VaccinemAbs - SARS-CoV-2
2021 | SRT SEC-2000 | 215980P-4630 | SEC | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | circRNA | RNA circles with minimized immunogenicity as potent PKR inhibitors Molecular Cell (2021) | SRT SEC-2000215980P-4630DNA/RNA/OLIGOcircRNA
2021 | Zenix SEC-300 | 213300-4615 | SEC | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | mRNA-LNP (Lipid Nanoparticle) | A novel mechanism for the loss of mRNA activity in lipid nanoparticle delivery systems Nature communications 12.1 (2021): 1-11. | Zenix SEC-300213300-4615DNA/RNA/OLIGOmRNA-LNP (Lipid Nanoparticle)
2021 | SRT SEC-300, SRT SEC-500, SRT SEC-1000 | 215500-7830, 215500-7805, 215300-7830, 215300-7805, 215950-7830, 215950-7805 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | AAV | Size Exclusion Chromatography with Dual Wavelength Detection as a Sensitive and Accurate Method for Determining the Empty and Full Capsids of Recombinant Adeno-Associated Viral Vectors Hum Gene Ther . 2021 Aug 27. doi: 10.1089/hum.2021.123. | SRT SEC-300, SRT SEC-500, SRT SEC-1000215500-7830, 215500-7805, 215300-7830, 215300-7805, 215950-7830, 215950-7805VLP/Virus/VaccineAAV
2021 | SRT SEC-1000 | 215950-30030 | SEC | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | circular mRNA | Intratumoral Delivered Novel Circular mRNA Encoding Cytokines for Immune Modulation and Cancer Therapy bioRxiv (2021) | SRT SEC-1000215950-30030DNA/RNA/OLIGOcircular mRNA
2021 | Proteomix SCX-NP10, Antibodix WCX-NP5 | 401NP10-4625, 401NP10-10025, 401NP10-21225, 401NP10-10005, 602NP5-4625 | IEX | Antibody | Human IgG1 Mab | A novel twin-column continuous chromatography approach for separation and enrichment of monoclonal antibody charge variants Engineering in Life Sciences Volume21, Issue 6 June 2021 Pages 382-391 | Proteomix SCX-NP10, Antibodix WCX-NP5401NP10-4625, 401NP10-10025, 401NP10-21225, 401NP10-10005, 602NP5-4625AntibodyHuman IgG1 Mab
2021 | Zenix-C | 233300-4630 | SEC | ADC | sdAbs | Single Domain Antibodies as Carriers for Intracellular Drug Delivery: A Proof of Principle Study Biomolecules 2021, 11(7), 927; | Zenix-C233300-4630ADCsdAbs
2021 | Unix-C SEC-300 | 231300-4615 | SEC | Cell Lysate | Clarified cell culture supernatant | Automated Design by Structure-Based Stabilization and Consensus Repair to Achieve Prefusion-Closed Envelope Trimers in a Wide Variety of HIV Strains Cell Rep. 2020 Nov 24; 33(8): 108432. | Unix-C SEC-300231300-4615Cell LysateClarified cell culture supernatant
2021 | SRT-10 SEC-300 | 225300-21230, 225300-10030 | SEC | Cell Lysate | protein-metabolite complexes | Global mapping of protein–metabolite interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveals that Ser-Leu dipeptide regulates phosphoglycerate kinase activity Communications Biology volume 4, Article number: 181 (2021) | SRT-10 SEC-300225300-21230, 225300-10030Cell Lysateprotein-metabolite complexes
2021 | SRT SEC-1000 | 215950-7830, 102002-COUPLER, 215950-7805 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | AAV | Comprehensive characterization and quantification of adeno associated vectors by size exclusion chromatography and multi angle light scattering Scientific Reports volume 11, Article number: 3012 (2021) | SRT SEC-1000215950-7830, 102002-COUPLER, 215950-7805VLP/Virus/VaccineAAV
2020 | SRT-10 300 | 225300-21230 | SEC | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | Cas-9 and gRNA | Biophysical Characterization and Direct Delivery of S. pyogenes Cas9 Ribonucleoprotein Complexes Editas Medicine, Apr 27 (2015) | SRT-10 300225300-21230DNA/RNA/OLIGOCas-9 and gRNA
2020 | SRT-10 SEC-300 | 225300-21230 | SEC | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | CPf1 and CAS-9 analogs | Comparison of RNP-mediated editing by Type V Cpf1 variants across multiple cell types © 2017 Editas Medicine | SRT-10 SEC-300225300-21230DNA/RNA/OLIGOCPf1 and CAS-9 analogs
2020 | SRT-10 SEC-300 | 225300-21230 | SEC | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | CRISPR-Cpf1 (Cas12a) | Highly efficient editing with CRISPR-Cpf1 in primary T cells and HSCs © 2018 Editas Medicine | SRT-10 SEC-300225300-21230DNA/RNA/OLIGOCRISPR-Cpf1 (Cas12a)
2020 | SRT-10 SEC-300 | 225300-21230 | SEC | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | Cas-9 and gRNA | Biophysical Characterization and Direct Delivery of S. pyogenes Cas9 Ribonucleoprotein Complexes Editas Medicine, Apr 27 (2015). | SRT-10 SEC-300225300-21230DNA/RNA/OLIGOCas-9 and gRNA
2020 | Proteomix HIC butyl-NP5 | 431NP5-4603 | HIC | Antibody | mAb | An Engineered Antibody with Broad Protective Efficacy in Murine Models of SARS and COVID-19 bioRxiv (2020). | Proteomix HIC butyl-NP5431NP5-4603AntibodymAb
2020 | Proteomix SCX-NP5 | 401NP5-4610 | IEX | Antibody | ABF710 | Analytical and Functional Similarity Assessment of ABP 710, a Biosimilar to Infliximab Reference Product Saleem, Ramsey, et al. "Analytical and functional similarity assessment of ABP 710, a biosimilar to infliximab reference product." Pharmaceutical research 37.6 (2020): 1-23. | Proteomix SCX-NP5401NP5-4610AntibodyABF710
2020 | Proteomix SCX NP5 | 401NP5-4610 | IEX | Antibody | infliximab | Analytical and Functional Similarity Assessment of ABP 710, a Biosimilar to Infliximab Reference Product Pharmaceutical research 37.6 (2020): 1-23. | Proteomix SCX NP5401NP5-4610Antibodyinfliximab
2020 | SRT-10 SEC-300 | 225300-21230 | SEC | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | CAS-9 | SMOOT libraries and phage-induced directed evolution of Cas9 to engineer reduced off-target activity PloS one 15.4 (2020): e0231716. | SRT-10 SEC-300225300-21230DNA/RNA/OLIGOCAS-9
2020 | SRT SEC-300 | 215300-7830 | SEC | Enzymes | xenopolymerase for RT-PCR | Buzz about RT-qPCR: An RT-qPCR formulation for SARS-CoV-2 detection using reagents produced at Georgia Institute of Technology medRxiv (2020). | SRT SEC-300215300-7830Enzymesxenopolymerase for RT-PCR
2020 | SRT-10 SEC-300 | 225300-21230 | SEC | Protein | STS-1 enzyme | An unexpected 2-histidine phosphoesterase activity of Suppressor of T cell receptor signaling protein-1 contributes to the suppression of cell signaling Journal of Biological Chemistry 295.25 (2020): 8514-8523. | SRT-10 SEC-300225300-21230ProteinSTS-1 enzyme
2020 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | 233300-4630 | SEC | Membrane Protein | Membrane Protein | An improved fluorescent tag and its nanobodies for membrane protein expression, stability assay, and purification Cai, H., Yao, H., Li, T. et al. An improved fluorescent tag and its nanobodies for membrane protein expression, stability assay, and purification. Commun Biol 3, 753 (2020). | Zenix-C SEC-300233300-4630Membrane ProteinMembrane Protein
2020 | SEC | 215300-7830 | SEC | Enzymes | Polymerase | A blueprint for academic laboratories to produce SARS-CoV-2 quantitative RT-PCR test kits Mascuch, Samantha J., et al. "A blueprint for academic laboratories to produce SARS-CoV-2 quantitative RT-PCR test kits." Journal of Biological Chemistry 295.46 (2020): 15438-15453. | SEC215300-7830EnzymesPolymerase
2020 | SEC | 215980P-4630 | SEC | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | circRNA | Design and application of circular RNAs with protein-sponge function Schreiner, Silke, et al. "Design and application of circular RNAs with protein-sponge function." Nucleic acids research 48.21 (2020): 12326-12335. | SEC215980P-4630DNA/RNA/OLIGOcircRNA
2020 | SRT-C SEC-500 | 235500-4615, 102002-COUPLER, 235500-4605 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | SARS-COV-2 Spike Protein | Stabilizing the closed SARS-CoV-2 spike trimer Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 244 (2021) | SRT-C SEC-500235500-4615, 102002-COUPLER, 235500-4605VLP/Virus/VaccineSARS-COV-2 Spike Protein
2020 | BioMix SEC-300 | 214300-7830 | SEC | BsAbs | BsAbs | Characterization of Bispecific Antibody Production in Cell Cultures by Unique Mixed Mode Size Exclusion Chromatography Anal. Chem. 2020, 92, 13, 9312–9321 | BioMix SEC-300214300-7830BsAbsBsAbs
2020 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | 233300-4630 | SEC | Protein | Human interleukin 11α receptor | The structure of the extracellular domains of human interleukin 11α receptor reveals mechanisms of cytokine engagement Protein Structure and Folding Volume 295, Issue 24, p8285-8301, June 2020 | Zenix-C SEC-300233300-4630ProteinHuman interleukin 11α receptor
2020 | SRT-C SEC-300 | 235300-7830 | SEC | Enzymes | Human diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase-1 (hDGAT1), from cell memebranes. | Structure and mechanism of human diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1 Nature volume 581, pages329–332 (2020) | SRT-C SEC-300235300-7830EnzymesHuman diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase-1 (hDGAT1), from cell memebranes.
2020 | Proteomix SCX-NP5, PEEK | 401NP5P-4625 | IEX | Antibody | IgG2 isoforms | Optimizing TNFR2 antagonism for immunotherapy with tumor microenvironment specificity Journal of Leukocyte Biology Volume 107, Issue 6 June 2020 Pages 971-980 | Proteomix SCX-NP5, PEEK401NP5P-4625AntibodyIgG2 isoforms
2020 | SRT-10C SEC-100 | 239100-10030 | SEC | Antibody | Synthetic nanobodies | Generation of synthetic nanobodies against delicate proteins Nature Protocols volume 15, pages1707–1741 (2020) | SRT-10C SEC-100239100-10030AntibodySynthetic nanobodies
2020 | SRT-10C SEC-300 | 239300-21230 | SEC | BsMAb | Recombinant T cell receptors (TCR)/TCR fragments | Computational stabilization of T cell receptors allows pairing with antibodies to form bispecifics Nature Communications volume 11, Article number: 2330 (2020) | SRT-10C SEC-300239300-21230BsMAbRecombinant T cell receptors (TCR)/TCR fragments
2020 | SRT SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Protein | HEX Antibody carrier or HEX-antibody complexes | Characterization and Control of Dynamic Rearrangement in a Self-Assembled Antibo
| SRT SEC-300N/AProteinHEX Antibody carrier or HEX-antibody complexes
2020 | SRT-C SEC-500 | 235500-21230 | SEC | Protein | Protein | A Global Screen for Assembly State Changes of the Mitotic Proteome by SEC-SWATH-MS Cell Systems Volume 10, Issue 2, 26 February 2020, Pages 133-155.e6 | SRT-C SEC-500235500-21230ProteinProtein
2019 | Proteomix HIC Butyl-NP5 | 431NP5-4605 | HIC | ADC | MMAE-trastuzumab ADC | Homogeneous antibody-drug conjugates: DAR 2 anti-HER2 obtained by conjugation on isolated light chain followed by mAb assembly
| Proteomix HIC Butyl-NP5431NP5-4605ADCMMAE-trastuzumab ADC
2019 | Proteomix HIC Butyl-NP5 | 431NP5-4603 | HIC | ADC | Site-specific ADC | Design and characterization of homogenous antibody-drug conjugates with a drug-to-antibody ratio of one prepared using an engin eered antibody and a dual-maleimide pyrrolobenzodiazepine dimer
| Proteomix HIC Butyl-NP5431NP5-4603ADCSite-specific ADC
2019 | SRT SEC-300 | 215300-7815 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | HIV Env Trimer | Titer measurement of HIV-1 envelope trimeric glycoprotein in cell culture media by a new tandem ion exchange and size exclusion chromatography (IEC-SEC) method. ScienceDirecgt | SRT SEC-300215300-7815VLP/Virus/VaccineHIV Env Trimer
2019 | SRT-1000 | 215950-7830 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | Hepatitis B Virus | EDP-514, a Novel HBV Core Inhibitor with Potent Antiviral Activity both In Vitro and In Vivo Journal of Hepatology 70(1):e474-e475 | SRT-1000215950-7830VLP/Virus/VaccineHepatitis B Virus
2019 | Proteomix HIC Ethyl NP5 | 432NP5-7810 | HIC | ADC | ADC | Site-Specific Conjugation of the Indolinobenzodiazepine DGN549 to Antibodies Affords Antibody–Drug Conjugates with an Improved Therapeutic Index as Compared with Lysine Conjugation Bioconjugate Chemistry 31.1 (2019): 93-103. | Proteomix HIC Ethyl NP5432NP5-7810ADCADC
2019 | SRT 2000 4.6X30 | 215950P-4630 | SEC | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | RNA | N6-Methyladenosine Modification Controls Circular RNA Immunity Chen, Y. Grace, et al. "N6-methyladenosine modification controls circular RNA immunity." Molecular cell 76.1 (2019): 96-109. | SRT 2000 4.6X30215950P-4630DNA/RNA/OLIGORNA
2019 | SRT SEC-300 | 215300-7815 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | HIV Trimer | Titer measurement of HIV-1 envelope trimeric glycoprotein in cell culture media by a new tandem ion exchange and size exclusion chromatography (IEC-SEC) method Vaccine Volume 37, Issue 24, 27 May 2019, Pages 3142-3145 | SRT SEC-300215300-7815VLP/Virus/VaccineHIV Trimer
2019 | Zenix SEC-80 | N/A | SEC | Others | AA and EGF | Sterilization of epidermal growth factor with supercritical carbon dioxide and p
| Zenix SEC-80N/AOthersAA and EGF
2019 | SRT SEC-2000 | 215980P-4630 | SEC | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | cRNA - Engineered | RNA Circularization Diminishes Immunogenicity and Can Extend Translation Duration In Vivo Molecular Cell Volume 74, Issue 3, 2 May 2019, Pages 508-520.e4 | SRT SEC-2000215980P-4630DNA/RNA/OLIGOcRNA - Engineered
2019 | SRT-10 SEC-300 | 225300-21230 | SEC | Other Proteins | protein and small molecules | PROMIS: Global Analysis of PROtein-Metabolite Interactions
| SRT-10 SEC-300225300-21230Other Proteinsprotein and small molecules
2019 | SRT SEC-1000 | 215950-7830 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | HBcAg | Process Monitoring of Virus-like Particle Reassembly by Diafiltration with UV/Vis Spectroscopy and Light Scattering Biotechnology and bioengineering 116.6 (2019): 1366-1379. | SRT SEC-1000215950-7830VLP/Virus/VaccineHBcAg
2019 | SRT-C SEC-150 | 235150 | SEC | Fusion Protein | p-rhASM/G-S | Liposome-targeted Recombinant Human Acid Sphingomyelinase: Production, Formulation, and in Vitro Evaluation Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2019;137:185‐195. | SRT-C SEC-150235150Fusion Proteinp-rhASM/G-S
2019 | SRT-10 SEC-300 | 225300-21230 | SEC | Enzymes | Oxy Enzymes | Exploring the tetracyclization of teicoplanin precursor peptides through chemoenzymatic synthesis The Journal of Organic Chemistry 2020 85 (3), 1537-1547 | SRT-10 SEC-300225300-21230EnzymesOxy Enzymes
2019 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | 233300-10030 | SEC | BsMAb | BsMAb, IgG1, knob-into-hole | Elucidating heavy/light chain pairing preferences to facilitate the assembly of bispecific IgG in single cells MAbs. Vol. 11. No. 7. Taylor & Francis, 2019. | Zenix-C SEC-300233300-10030BsMAbBsMAb, IgG1, knob-into-hole
2019 | Proteomix RP-1000 | 465950-4610 | RP | ADC | ADC | Efficient Production of Homogeneous Lysine-Based Antibody Conjugates Using Microbial Transglutaminase Bioconjugation. Humana, New York, NY, 2019. 53-65. | Proteomix RP-1000465950-4610ADCADC
2019 | SRT SEC 300, 500, and 1000 | 215300-7815, 215500-7815, 215950-7815 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | influenza vaccine candidate H1ssF | Development of a new tandem ion exchange and size exclusion chromatography method to monitor vaccine particle titer in cell culture media Analytical Chemistry 91.10 (2019): 6430-6434. | SRT SEC 300, 500, and 1000215300-7815, 215500-7815, 215950-7815VLP/Virus/Vaccineinfluenza vaccine candidate H1ssF
2019 | Zenix SEC-300 | 213300-4630 | SEC | BsMAb | BsMAb | Coupling Mixed-Mode Size Exclusion Chromatography with Native Mass Spectrometry for Sensitive Detection and Quantitation of Homodimer Impurities in Bispecific IgG Anal. Chem. 2019, 91, 17, 11417–11424 Publication Date:August 2, 2019 | Zenix SEC-300213300-4630BsMAbBsMAb
2019 | Proteomix HIC butyl-NP5 | 431NP5-4603 | HIC | Antibody | mAbs with Vκ or Vλ variability | Affinity Maturation Enhances Antibody Specificity but Compromises Conformational Stability Cell reports 28.13 (2019): 3300-3308. | Proteomix HIC butyl-NP5431NP5-4603AntibodymAbs with Vκ or Vλ variability
2019 | Zenix SEC-300 | 213300-7830 | SEC | Enzymes | cytokinin-activating BP1253 | A LONELY GUY protein of Bordetella pertussis with unique features is related to oxidative stress Sci Rep 9, 17016 (2019). | Zenix SEC-300213300-7830Enzymescytokinin-activating BP1253
2018 | SRT-10C SEC-300 | 239300-21230 | SEC | BsMAb | FcgRIIA and FcgRIIB | FcγRII-binding Centyrins mediate agonism and antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis when fused to an anti-OX40 antibody MAbs. Vol. 10. No. 3. Taylor & Francis, 2018. | SRT-10C SEC-300239300-21230BsMAbFcgRIIA and FcgRIIB
2018 | Polar MC-SP, 30 μm | 283030 | IEX | Peptide | methylated peptides | Enrichment of Methylated Peptides Using an Antibody-free Approach for Global Methylproteomics Analysis Current Protocols in Protein Science 91.1 (2018): 14-18. | Polar MC-SP, 30 μm283030Peptidemethylated peptides
2018 | Zenix SEC-300, 3um, 300 A 7.8 x 300 mm | 213300-7830 | SEC | BsMAb | Cetuximab | EFab domain substitution as a solution to the light-chain pairing problem of bispecific antibodies | Zenix SEC-300, 3um, 300 A 7.8 x 300 mm213300-7830BsMAbCetuximab
2018 | GP-C18 | 101185-4615 | RP | Small Molecule | Sildenafil and Carbamazepine | Influence of Energy Drinks on Pharmacokinetic Parameters of Sildenafil in Rats Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal 11.3 (2018): 1317. | GP-C18101185-4615Small MoleculeSildenafil and Carbamazepine
2018 | Proteomix SAX-NP5 | 403NP5-4625 | IEX | BsMAb | native IgG1 and pI engineered | A robust heterodimeric Fc platform engineered for efficient development of bispecific antibodies of multiple formats Methods 154 (2019): 38-50. | Proteomix SAX-NP5403NP5-4625BsMAbnative IgG1 and pI engineered
2018 | Zenix SEC 300 | 213300-7830 | SEC | PEG/PEGylated Protein | rFVIII | A comparative analysis of heterogeneity in commercially available recombinant factor VIII products Haemophilia. 2018; 24: 880– 887. | Zenix SEC 300213300-7830PEG/PEGylated ProteinrFVIII
2018 | SRT SEC-500 | 215500-4630 | SEC | Antibody | α4β2–Fab complexes | Structural principles of distinct assemblies of the human α4β2 nicotinic receptor Nature volume 557, pages261–265 (2018) | SRT SEC-500215500-4630Antibodyα4β2–Fab complexes
2018 | SRT-C SEC-300 | 235300-4630 | SEC | Antibody | Antibody | Mobile Affinity Sorbent Chromatography Anal. Chem. 2018, 90, 3, 1668–1676 | SRT-C SEC-300235300-4630AntibodyAntibody
2018 | Zenix SEC-300 | 213300LS-7830 | SEC | Fusion Protein | IP268 and Dulaglutide (IP118) | Mass spectrometry-based methods to explore higher-order protein structure: generating a fingerprint for biologics Diss. University of Antwerp, 2018. | Zenix SEC-300213300LS-7830Fusion ProteinIP268 and Dulaglutide (IP118)
2018 | SRT-150 | 215150 | SEC | Membrane Protein | FcγR | Enrichment of high affinity subclasses and glycoforms from serum-derived IgG using FcγRs as affinity ligands Biotechnology and bioengineering 115.5 (2018): 1265-1278. | SRT-150215150Membrane ProteinFcγR
2018 | SRT-2000 | 215980P-4630 | SEC | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | circRNA | Engineering circular RNA for potent and stable translation in eukaryotic cells Nat Commun 9, 2629 (2018). | SRT-2000215980P-4630DNA/RNA/OLIGOcircRNA
2018 | Zenix SEC-300 | 213300-7830 | SEC | BsMAb | Cetuximab | EFab domain substitution as a solution to the light-chain pairing problem of bispecific antibodies MAbs. Vol. 10. No. 8. Taylor & Francis, 2018. | Zenix SEC-300213300-7830BsMAbCetuximab
2018 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | 233300-7830 | SEC | Enzymes | Pegunigalsidase | Development and Analytical Characterization of Pegunigalsidase Alfa, a Chemically Cross-Linked Plant Recombinant Human α-Galactosidase-A for Treatment of Fabry Disease Bioconjugate Chemistry 29.5 (2018): 1630-1639. | Zenix-C SEC-300233300-7830EnzymesPegunigalsidase
2018 | SRT SEC-1000 | 215950-7830 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | HPV16 E7-specific vaccine | Combined immunization against TGF-beta1 enhances HPV16 E7-specific vaccine-elicited antitumour immunity in mice with grafted TC-1 tumours Artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology 46.sup2 (2018): 1199-1209. | SRT SEC-1000215950-7830VLP/Virus/VaccineHPV16 E7-specific vaccine
2018 | Proteomix RP-1000 | 465950-4615 | RP | BsMAb | scFv-IgG bispecific | Characterization and analysis of scFv-IgG bispecific antibody size variants MAbs. Vol. 10. No. 8. Taylor & Francis, 2018. | Proteomix RP-1000465950-4615BsMAbscFv-IgG bispecific
2018 | SRT-10 SEC-300 | 225300-21230 | SEC | Other Proteins | (His)-tagged hFZD7 CRD | A selective peptide inhibitor of Frizzled 7 receptors disrupts intestinal stem cells Nature chemical biology 14.6 (2018): 582-590. | SRT-10 SEC-300225300-21230Other Proteins(His)-tagged hFZD7 CRD
2018 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | 233300-7830 | SEC | BsMAb | bispecific antibody | A bispecific antibody that targets IL-6 receptor and IL-17A for the potential therapy of patients with autoimmune and inflammatory diseases Journal of Biological Chemistry 293.24 (2018): 9326-9334. | Zenix-C SEC-300233300-7830BsMAbbispecific antibody
2018 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Antibody | N/A | A bispecific antibody that targets IL-6 receptor and IL-17A for the potential therapy of patients with autoimmune and inflammatory diseases The Journal of Biological Chemistry 293, 9326-9334. 10.1074/jbc.M117.818559 | Zenix-C SEC-300N/AAntibodyN/A
2018 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Antibody | N/A | An ambient temperature-stable antitoxin of nine co-formulated antibodies for botulism caused by serotypes A, B and E PLOS ONE 13(5): e0197011. | Zenix SEC-300N/AAntibodyN/A
2018 | N/A | N/A | IEX | Antibody | N/A | Influence of disulfide bond isoforms on drug conjugation sites in cysteine-linked IgG2 antibody-drug conjugates mAbs. 2018;10(4):583-595. doi:10.1080/19420862.2018.1440165. | N/AN/AAntibodyN/A
2018 | SRT SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | Zinc(II) binding on human wild-type ISCU and Met140 variants modulates Fe-S complex activity bioRxiv 262477; doi: | SRT SEC-300N/AProteinN/A
2018 | N/A | N/A | IEX | Protein | N/A | EGF Regulates the Interaction of Tks4 with Src through Its SH2 and SH3 Domains Biochemistry, 2018, 57 (28), pp 4186–4196 DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00084 | N/AN/AProteinN/A
2018 | Proteomix SAX-NP5 | 403NP5-4625 | IEX | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | Oligosaccharides | New tools for carbohydrate sulphation analysis: Heparan Sulphate 2-O sulphotransferase (HS2ST) is a target for small molecule protein kinase inhibitors Biochem J (2018) 475 (15): 2417–2433. | Proteomix SAX-NP5403NP5-4625DNA/RNA/OLIGOOligosaccharides
2018 | N/A | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | A Haloalkane Dehalogenase from a Marine Microbial Consortium Possessing Exceptionally Broad Substrate Specificity Appl. Environ. Microbiol. January 2018 vol. 84 no. 2 e01684-17 | N/AN/AProteinN/A
2018 | N/A | N/A | IEX | Protein | N/A | Characterization of Human Serum Albumin isoforms by ion exchange chromatography coupled on-line to native mass spectrometry Journal of Chromatography B, 2018, , ISSN 1570-0232 | N/AN/AProteinN/A
2017 | Zenix SEC-300 & Proteomix HIC butyl-NP5 | 213300-4630, 431NP5-4603 | SEC | Antibody | IgG | Biophysical properties of the clinical-stage antibody landscape Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114.5 (2017): 944-949. | Zenix SEC-300 & Proteomix HIC butyl-NP5213300-4630, 431NP5-4603AntibodyIgG
2017 | Proteomix HIC butyl-NP5 | 431NP5-4603 | HIC | Antibody | mAbs | Prediction of Delayed Retention of Antibodies in Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography from Sequence using Machine Learning Bioinformatics 33.23 (2017): 3758-3766. | Proteomix HIC butyl-NP5431NP5-4603AntibodymAbs
2017 | SRT SEC-150 | 215150-7830 | SEC | Membrane Protein | OmpA C-terminal domains | Insights into PG-binding, conformational change, and dimerization of the OmpA C-terminal domains from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and Borrelia burgdorferi Protein Science Volume26, Issue9 September 2017 Pages 1738-1748 | SRT SEC-150215150-7830Membrane ProteinOmpA C-terminal domains
2017 | SRT-C SEC-300 | 235300-7830 | SEC | Membrane Protein | ACKR3 | Structural basis of ligand interaction with atypical chemokine receptor 3 Nature communications 8.1 (2017): 1-14. | SRT-C SEC-300235300-7830Membrane ProteinACKR3
2017 | SRT-C SEC-1000, SRT-C SEC-2000 | 235980-7830,102002-COUPLER, 235950-7830 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | Polysaccharide Vaccine | Characterization of polysaccharide-based vaccines against invasive nontyphoidal Salmonella disease (iNTS) Corpus ID: 91735950 | SRT-C SEC-1000, SRT-C SEC-2000235980-7830,102002-COUPLER, 235950-7830VLP/Virus/VaccinePolysaccharide Vaccine
2017 | SRT SEC-500 | N/A | SEC | BsMAb | Anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF), IL-17A, BsMAb | A native-like bispecific antibody suppresses the inflammatory cytokine response
| SRT SEC-500N/ABsMAbAnti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF), IL-17A, BsMAb
2017 | N/A | N/A | OTHER | Urine | N/A | Simultaneous determination of 4-hydroxyphenyl lactic acid, 4-hydroxyphenyl acetic acid, and 3-4-hydroxyphenyl propionic acid in human urine by Ultra high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection J Sep Sci. 2017;40:2117–2122. | N/AN/AUrineN/A
2017 | Zenix SEC-150 | N/A | SEC | Polymer of Cefmetazole | N/A | Development and Validation of a High-Performance Size-Exclusion Chromatography Method for Polymer Determination in Cefmetazole Sodium for Injection Acta Chromatographica 29(2017)2, 193–205 DOI: 10.1556/1326.2017.29.2.4 | Zenix SEC-150N/APolymer of CefmetazoleN/A
2017 | SRT SEC-100 | N/A | SEC | Peptide | N/A | Anti‐fatigue activity of sea cucumber peptides prepared from Stichopus japonicus in an endurance swimming rat model J. Sci. Food Agric, 97: 4548-4556. doi:10.1002/jsfa.8322 | SRT SEC-100N/APeptideN/A
2017 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Oligodeoxynucleotides | N/A | An Albumin-Oligonucleotide Assembly for Potential Combinatorial Drug Delivery and Half-Life Extension Applications Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids , Volume 9 , 284 - 293 | Zenix SEC-300N/AOligodeoxynucleotidesN/A
2017 | N/A | N/A | IEX | Vaccine | N/A | Development of a dose assay for a Clostridium difficile vaccine using a tandem ion exchange high performance liquid chromatography method F.Wangetal./J.Chromatogr.A1498(2017)163–168 | N/AN/AVaccineN/A
2017 | N/A | N/A | SEC | Polyurethane/Epoxy Hybrid Polymers | N/A | Non-isocyanate polyurethane/epoxy hybrid materials with different and controlled architectures prepared from a CO2-sourced monomer and epoxy via an environmentally-friendly route DOI: 10.1039/C7RA04215A (Paper) RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 28841-28852 | N/AN/APolyurethane/Epoxy Hybrid PolymersN/A
2017 | SRT SEC-100 | N/A | SEC | Polymeric Amines and Ampholytes | N/A | Polymeric Amines and Ampholytes Derived from Poly(acryloyl chloride): Synthesis, Influence on Silicic Acid Condensation and Interaction with Nucleic Acid Polymers 9(11):624 DOI: 10.3390/polym9110624 | SRT SEC-100N/APolymeric Amines and AmpholytesN/A
2017 | N/A | N/A | IEX | Antibody | N/A | On-Line Ion Exchange Liquid Chromatography as a Process Analytical Technology for Monoclonal Antibody Characterization in Continuous Bioprocessing Anal. Chem. 89, 21, 11357-11365 | N/AN/AAntibodyN/A
2017 | N/A | N/A | IEX | Antibody | N/A | Preclinical Characterization of CTL-1, A Biosimilar Anti-EGFR Monoclonal Antibody for Cetuximab SM J Bioequiv Availab 1, no. 1 (2017): 1003. | N/AN/AAntibodyN/A
2017 | Proteomix RP-1000 | N/A | RP | ADC | Site Specific ADC | Site-Specific Conjugation to Native and Engineered Lysines in Human Immunoglobulins by Microbial Transglutaminase Bioconjugate Chemistry 2017 28 (9), 2471-2484 DOI: 10.1021/acs.bioconjchem.7b00439 | Proteomix RP-1000N/AADCSite Specific ADC
2017 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Fusion Protein | N/A | Improvement of Pharmacokinetic Profle of TRAIL via Trimer-Tag Enhances its Antitumor Activity in vivo Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 21;7(1):8953. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-09518-1. | Zenix-C SEC-300N/AFusion ProteinN/A
2017 | Zenix SEC-150 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | How to Avoid Size Mismatch Between Solutes and Column Pores for Optimum HPLC Performance American Laboratory June/July 2017 | Zenix SEC-150N/AProteinN/A
2017 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Antibody | N/A | Efficient generation of single domain antibodies with high affinities and enhanced thermal stabilities Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 5794 (2017) doi:10.1038/s41598-017-06277-x | Zenix-C SEC-300N/AAntibodyN/A
2016 | Zenix 300 | N/A | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | protein candidate vaccine | Transmission blocking potency and immunogenicity of a plant-produced Pvs25-based subunit vaccine against Plasmodium vivax Vaccine 34.28 (2016): 3252-3259. | Zenix 300N/AVLP/Virus/Vaccineprotein candidate vaccine
2016 | Zenix-C SEC-150 | 233150-7830 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | Various VAR2CSA domains | VAR2CSA Domain-Specific Analysis of Naturally Acquired Functional Antibodies to Plasmodium falciparum Placental Malaria The Journal of infectious diseases 214.4 (2016): 577-586. | Zenix-C SEC-150233150-7830VLP/Virus/VaccineVarious VAR2CSA domains
2016 | Zenix SEC-300 | Not Mentioned | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | protein candidate vaccine | Transmission blocking potency and immunogenicity of a plant-produced Pvs25-based subunit vaccine against Plasmodium vivax Vaccine 34.28 (2016): 3252-3259. | Zenix SEC-300Not MentionedVLP/Virus/Vaccineprotein candidate vaccine
2016 | Zenix SEC-300 | 213300-4615 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | anthrax vaccines pp-dPA83 | Stability and pre-formulation development of a plant-produced anthrax vaccine candidate Vaccine 35.41 (2017): 5463-5470. | Zenix SEC-300213300-4615VLP/Virus/Vaccineanthrax vaccines pp-dPA83
2016 | SRT-C SEC-300 | 235300-4625 | SEC | Membrane Protein | chemokines, CXCL12, G protein | Production of chemokine/chemokine receptor complexes for structural and biophysi
| SRT-C SEC-300235300-4625Membrane Proteinchemokines, CXCL12, G protein
2016 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | SEC c2G4-BDS, CMB-BDS-1410-001 | Plant-based technologies to enable rapid response to Ebola outbreak
| Zenix SEC-300N/AVLP/Virus/VaccineSEC c2G4-BDS; CMB-BDS-1410-001
2016 | SRT SEC-1000 | 215950-7830 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) VLP as carrier for therapeutic human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, expressed efficiently in E. coli cells, recombinant vaccine protein HBcAg-E749–57 was assembled into VLPs similar to the carrier protein HBcAg, whic… | Chimeric HBcAg virus-like particles presenting a HPV 16 E7 epitope significantly
| SRT SEC-1000215950-7830VLP/Virus/Vaccinehepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) VLP as carrier for therapeutic human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, expressed efficiently in E. coli cells, recombinant vaccine protein HBcAg-E749–57 was assembled into VLPs similar to the carrier protein HBcAg, whic…
2016 | SRT-C SEC-1000 | 235980-7830, 235950-7830 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | Generalized Modules for Membrane Antigens (GMMA), which are are outer membrane vesicles naturally released by Gram-negative bacteria. GMMA are small outer membrane vesicles-like blebs (40-200 nm diameter) spontaneously released by Gram-negative bacteria ... | Characterization of O-antigen delivered by generalized modules for membrane anti
| SRT-C SEC-1000235980-7830; 235950-7830VLP/Virus/VaccineGeneralized Modules for Membrane Antigens (GMMA), which are are outer membrane vesicles naturally released by Gram-negative bacteria. GMMA are small outer membrane vesicles-like blebs (40-200 nm diameter) spontaneously released by Gram-negative bacteria ...
2016 | SRT-C SEC-300 | 235300-4625 | SEC | Membrane Protein | Chemokine, Herpesviridae (herpesvirus), 7TM receptor, Baculovirus infected Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells | Chapter Eighteen - Disulfide Trapping for Modeling and Structure Determination o
| SRT-C SEC-300235300-4625Membrane ProteinChemokine, Herpesviridae (herpesvirus), 7TM receptor, Baculovirus infected Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) insect cells
2016 | Zenix SEC-100 | N/A | SEC | Wastewater | N/A | Characterization of a hybrid powdered activated carbon-dynamic membrane bioreactor (PAC-DMBR) process with high flux by gravity flow: Operational performance and sludge properties Bioresource Technology, Volume 223, 2017, Pages 65-73, ISSN 0960-8524, | Zenix SEC-100N/AWastewaterN/A
2016 | Zenix SEC-100 | N/A | SEC | Dendritic Polymer, Polymeric Nanomedicines | N/A | In vivo comparative study of distinct polymeric architectures bearing a combination of paclitaxel and doxorubicin at a synergistic ratio J Control Release. 2017 Jul 10;257:118-131. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2016.06.037 | Zenix SEC-100N/ADendritic Polymer, Polymeric NanomedicinesN/A
2016 | Proteomix RP-1000 | 465950-2115 | RP | ADC | Trastuzumab-derived variants containing pAMF were conjugated to MMAF, MMAE, and maytansinoid | RP-HPLC DAR Characterization of Site-Specific Antibody Drug Conjugates Produced in a Cell-Free Expression System Org. Process Res. Dev. 2016, 20, 6, 1034–1043 | Proteomix RP-1000465950-2115ADCTrastuzumab-derived variants containing pAMF were conjugated to MMAF, MMAE, and maytansinoid
2016 | Zenix-C SEC-80 | N/A | SEC | Polymeric Substances | N/A | Development of a Simple Nonbiological Method for Converting Lignin-Derived Aromatics into Nonaromatic Polymeric Substances with Fluorescent Activity ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2016, 4 (8), pp 4411–4416 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01009 | Zenix-C SEC-80N/APolymeric SubstancesN/A
2016 | N/A | N/A | IEX | Protein | N/A | Antibody-Free Approach for the Global Analysis of Protein Methylation Anal Chem. 2016 Dec 6;88(23):11319-11327. Epub 2016 Nov 14. | N/AN/AProteinN/A
2016 | SRT SEC-1000 | 215950-7830 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | vaccine protein | Chimeric HBcAg virus-like particles presenting a HPV 16 E7 epitope significantly suppressed tumor progression through preventive or therapeutic immunization in a TC-1-grafted mouse model International journal of nanomedicine 11 (2016): 2417. | SRT SEC-1000215950-7830VLP/Virus/Vaccinevaccine protein
2016 | SRT SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Bispecific Antibody | N/A | A “Trojan horse” bispecific-antibody strategy for broad protection against ebolaviruses Science 21 Oct 2016: Vol. 354, Issue 6310, pp. 350-354 DOI: 10.1126/science.aag3267 | SRT SEC-300N/ABispecific AntibodyN/A
2016 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Bispecific Antibody | N/A | An efficient route to bispecific antibody production using single-reactor mammalian coculture MAbs. 2016 Nov/Dec;8(8):1487-1497. | Zenix SEC-300N/ABispecific AntibodyN/A
2016 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Peptide | N/A | Genetic fusion of human FGF21 to a synthetic polypeptide improves pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in a mouse model of obesity Br J Pharmacol. 2016 Jul;173(14):2208-23. doi: 10.1111/bph.13499. | Zenix-C SEC-300N/APeptideN/A
2016 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | ADC, Fusion Protein | N/A | Targeted Drug Delivery with an Integrin-Binding Knottin-Fc-MMAF Conjugate Produced by Cell-Free-Protein Synthesis Mol Cancer Ther. 2016 Jun;15(6):1291-300. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163 | Zenix-C SEC-300N/AADC, Fusion ProteinN/A
2016 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Protein, DNA/RNA | N/A | Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Investigations of ION-353382, a Model Antisense Oligonucleotide: Using Alpha-2-Macroglobulin and Murinoglobulin Double-Knockout Mice Nucleic Acid Therapeutics, March 31, 2016 | Zenix-C SEC-300N/AProtein, DNA/RNAN/A
2016 | N/A | N/A | IEX | DNA | N/A | Structural investigation into physiological DNA phosphorothioate modification Sci Rep. 2016; 6: 25737. Published online 2016 May 12. doi: 10.1038/srep25737 | N/AN/ADNAN/A
2016 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Antibody | N/A | Analysis of monoclonal antibody oxidation by simple mixed mode chromatography Journal of Chromatography A Volume 1431, 29 January 2016, Pages 154–165 | Zenix SEC-300N/AAntibodyN/A
2016 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | Rapid analysis of protein expression and solubility with the SpyTag–SpyCatcher system Protein Expression and Purification Volume 117, January 2016, Pages 44–51 | Zenix SEC-300N/AProteinN/A
2016 | SRT SEC-150 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | How Aromatic Compounds Block DNA Binding of HcaR Catabolite Regulator The Journal of Biochemistry, April 25, 2016, 10.1074/jbc.M115.712067 | SRT SEC-150N/AProteinN/A
2016 | Zenix SEC-150 | N/A | SEC | Others, Protein | N/A | Determination of residual dextran sulfate in protein products by SEC–HPLC Journal of Chromatography B Volume 1011, 1 February 2016, Pages 89–93 | Zenix SEC-150N/AOthers, ProteinN/A
2016 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Antibody | N/A | Immunotargeting of Integrin α6β4 for Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography and Near-Infrared Fluorescence Imaging in a Pancreatic Cancer Model Molecular Imaging January-December 2016 vol. 15 1536012115624917 | Zenix SEC-300N/AAntibodyN/A
2016 | SRT SEC-500 | N/A | SEC | Membrane Protein | N/A | Manipulation of Subunit Stoichiometry in Heteromeric Membrane Proteins Structure, Volume 24, Issue 5, 3 May 2016, Pages 797–805 | SRT SEC-500N/AMembrane ProteinN/A
2016 | Zenix-C SEC-150 | 233150-7830 | SEC | Insulin | Insulin Analogs | Contribution of TyrB26 to the Function and Stability of Insulin STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY RELATIONSHIPS AT A CONSERVED HORMONE-RECEPTOR INTERFACE THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 291, NO. 25, pp. 12978 –12990, June 17, 2016 | Zenix-C SEC-150233150-7830InsulinInsulin Analogs
2016 | Nanofilm SEC-250 | N/A | SEC | Membrane Protein | N/A | Nanodisc-Tm: Rapid functional assessment of nanodisc reconstituted membrane proteins by CPM assay MethodsX, Volume 3, 2016, Pages 212–218 | Nanofilm SEC-250N/AMembrane ProteinN/A
2016 | SRT SEC-1000 | 215950-4630 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | VLP | High-throughput characterization of virus-like particles by interlaced size-exclusion chromatography Vaccine Volume 34, Issue 10, 4 March 2016, Pages 1259-1267 | SRT SEC-1000215950-4630VLP/Virus/VaccineVLP
2015 | Zenix SEC-300, 4.6 x 300mm | 213300-4630 | SEC | BsMAb | IgG4 | Analysis and purification of IgG4 bispecific antibodies by a mixed-mode chromatography Yang, Xiaoyu, et al. "Analysis and purification of IgG4 bispecific antibodies by a mixed-mode chromatography." Analytical biochemistry 484 (2015): 173-179. | Zenix SEC-300, 4.6 x 300mm213300-4630BsMAbIgG4
2015 | SRT SEC-150 | N/A | SEC | Other Proteins | CdiIo2 MC58-1, an orphan CDI immunity protein from N. meningitidis MC58. | The structure of a contact-dependent growth-inhibition (CDI) immunity protein fr
| SRT SEC-150N/AOther ProteinsCdiIo2 MC58-1, an orphan CDI immunity protein from N. meningitidis MC58.
2015 | SRT SEC-300 | 215300-4625 | SEC | Protein | chemokine receptor (45kd), viral chemokine, disulfide trapped complexes (55kd), N terminal-Cys CXCR4-Cys: Chemokine Receptor vMIP-II-Cys: viral chemokine | Supplementary Materials for Crystal structure of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 in
| SRT SEC-300215300-4625Proteinchemokine receptor (45kd), viral chemokine, disulfide trapped complexes (55kd), N terminal-Cys CXCR4-Cys: Chemokine Receptor vMIP-II-Cys: viral chemokine
2015 | SRT SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Other Proteins | Protein-peptide complex | Structural Basis for the Disruption of the Cerebral Cavernous Malformations 2 (C
| SRT SEC-300N/AOther ProteinsProtein-peptide complex
2015 | Zenix SEC-300 | 213300-7830 | SEC | BsMAb | partial heavy chain/light chain assemblies of various regions to create chimeric antibodies. | Protein design of IgG/TCR chimeras for the co-expression of Fab-like moieties wi
| Zenix SEC-300213300-7830BsMAbpartial heavy chain/light chain assemblies of various regions to create chimeric antibodies.
2015 | SRT SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Other Proteins | Factor VIII Fc Fusion protein | Manufacturing process used to produce long-acting recombinant factor VIII Fc fus
| SRT SEC-300N/AOther ProteinsFactor VIII Fc Fusion protein
2015 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Protein | lentil legumin-like protein | Impact of pH on molecular structure and surface properties of lentil legumin-lik
| Zenix-C SEC-300N/AProteinlentil legumin-like protein
2015 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Antibody | mAbs of 12 varieties | A novel screening method to assess developability of antibody-like molecules
| Zenix SEC-300N/AAntibodymAbs of 12 varieties
2015 | N/A | N/A | OTHER | Saccharides | N/A | A mechanism of glucose tolerance and stimulation of GH1 β-glucosidases Scientific Reports | 5:17296 | DOI: 10.1038/srep17296 | N/AN/ASaccharidesN/A
2015 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | Automated two-step chromatography using an ÄKTA equipped with in-line dilution capability Journal of Chromatography A Volume 1424, 11 December 2015, Pages 51–58 | Zenix-C SEC-300N/AProteinN/A
2015 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | Characterization and quantification of histidine degradation in therapeutic protein formulations by size exclusion-hydrophilic interaction two dimensional-liquid chromatography with stable-isotope labeling mass spectrometry Journal of Chromatography A Volume 1426, 24 December 2015, Pages 133–139 | Zenix-C SEC-300N/AProteinN/A
2015 | SRT-C SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Membrane Protein, Rhodopsin | N/A | Rhodopsin Purification from Dark-Adapted Bovine Retina Methods Mol Biol. 2015;1271:21-38 | SRT-C SEC-300N/AMembrane Protein, RhodopsinN/A
2015 | SRT SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Membrane Protein | N/A | Oligomeric State of Rhodopsin Within Rhodopsin–Transducin Complex Probed with Succinylated Concanavalin A Methods Mol Biol. 2015;1271:221-33. | SRT SEC-300N/AMembrane ProteinN/A
2015 | SRT SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Protein-Peptide Complex | N/A | Structural Basis for the Disruption of the Cerebral Cavernous Malformations 2 (CCM2) Interaction with Krev Interaction Trapped 1 (KRIT1) by Disease-associated Mutations THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY VOL. 290, NO. 5, pp. 2842–2853, January 30, 2015 | SRT SEC-300N/AProtein-Peptide ComplexN/A
2015 | SRT SEC-150 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | The structure of a contact-dependent growth-inhibition (CDI) immunity protein from Neisseria meningitidis MC58 Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. 2015 Jun 1;71(Pt 6):702-9. | SRT SEC-150N/AProteinN/A
2015 | SRT SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Factor VIII Fc Fusion Protein | N/A | Manufacturing process used to produce long-acting recombinant factor VIII Fc fusion protein Biologicals 43 (2015) 213-219 | SRT SEC-300N/AFactor VIII Fc Fusion ProteinN/A
2015 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Antibody | N/A | Intrinsic fluorescence-based at situ soft sensor for monitoring monoclonal antibody aggregation Biotechnology Progress | Zenix-C SEC-300N/AAntibodyN/A
2015 | Zenix SEC-150 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | Nanosecond electric pulses deprive zinc ions of carboxypeptidase G2 Bioelectrochemistry 101 (2015) 42–45 | Zenix SEC-150N/AProteinN/A
2015 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | Impact of pH on molecular structure and surface properties of lentillegumin-like protein and its application as foam stabilizer Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 132 (2015) 45–53 | Zenix-C SEC-300N/AProteinN/A
2015 | Zenix-C SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Antibody, IgE | N/A | A single glycan on IgE is indispensable for initiation of anaphylaxis J. Exp. Med. 2015 Vol. 212 No. 4 457–467 | Zenix-C SEC-300N/AAntibody, IgEN/A
2015 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Bispecific Antibody | N/A | Protein design of IgG/TCR chimeras for the co-expression of Fab-like moieties within bispecific antibodies mAbs 7:2, 364--376; March/April 2015; © 2015 Eli Lilly Biotechnology Center | Zenix SEC-300N/ABispecific AntibodyN/A
2015 | Nanofilm SEC-500 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | Upregulation of Glycans Containing 3′ Fucose in a Subset of Pancreatic Cancers Uncovered Using Fusion-Tagged Lectins J. Proteome Res. 2015, 14, 2594-2605 | Nanofilm SEC-500N/AProteinN/A
2015 | Nanofilm SEC-250 | N/A | SEC | Polymer | N/A | Enhancing cancer targeting and anticancer activity by a stimulus-sensitive multifunctional polymer-drug conjugate Journal of Controlled Release 212 (2015) 94-102 | Nanofilm SEC-250N/APolymerN/A
2015 | N/A | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | Application of coupled affinity-sizing chromatography for the detection of proteolyzed HSA-tagged proteins Protein Expr Purif. 2015 Apr;108:80-4 | N/AN/AProteinN/A
2014 | Zenix SEC-300 | 213300-4630 | SEC | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) | Mechanistic Understanding for the Greater Sensitivity of Monkeys to Antisense Ol
| Zenix SEC-300213300-4630DNA/RNA/OLIGOantisense oligonucleotide (ASO)
2014 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Antibody | N/A | Antitumor efficacy of a bispecific antibody that targets HER2 and activates T cells. Cancer Res. 2014 Oct 1;74(19):5561-71. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-13-3622-T. | Zenix SEC-300N/AAntibodyN/A
2014 | GP-C8 | N/A | OTHER | Peptide | N/A | MultiNotch MS3 Enables Accurate, Sensitive, and Multiplexed Detection of Differential Expression across Cancer Cell Line Proteomes Analytical Chemistry, 86 (14), pp 7150-7158 | GP-C8N/APeptideN/A
2014 | HP-Diol | N/A | OTHER | Others | N/A | Analysis of Cocoa Flavanols and Procyanidins (DP 1–10) in Cocoa-Containing Ingredients and Products by Rapid Resolution Liquid Chromatography: Single-Laboratory Validation J AOAC Int, 97(1), 166-72 | HP-DiolN/AOthersN/A
2014 | Polar-Imidazole | N/A | OTHER | Others | N/A | Quantification of Neurotransmitters in Mouse Brain Tissue by Using Liquid Chromatography Coupled Electrospray Tandem Mass Spectrometry Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 21(23), 3898-904 | Polar-ImidazoleN/AOthersN/A
2014 | Polar-Imidazole | N/A | OTHER | Others | N/A | Determination of Platycodin D and Platycodin D3 in Rat Plasma Using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2014 (2014), 10 pages | Polar-ImidazoleN/AOthersN/A
2014 | BR-C18 | N/A | OTHER | Others | N/A | A validated LC-MS/MS method for quantitative analysis of curcumin in mouse plasma and brain tissue and its application in pharmacokinetic and brain distribution studies J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci, 969, 101-8 | BR-C18N/AOthersN/A
2014 | Carbomix H-NP10 | N/A | IEX | Carbohydrate | N/A | "Modelling of Ethanol Production from Red Beet Juice by Saccharomyces cerevisiae under Thermal and Acid Stress Conditions" Food Technology & Biotechnology, Volume 52, Issue No 1 | Carbomix H-NP10N/ACarbohydrateN/A
2014 | Proteomix SAX NP3 | N/A | IEX | DNA/RNA | N/A | Comparison of flow and batch polymerization processes for production of vinyl ether terpolymers for use in the delivery of siRNA Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, Volume 52, Issue 8, pages 1119-1129 | Proteomix SAX NP3N/ADNA/RNAN/A
2014 | N/A | N/A | IEX | Protein | N/A | Process-scale purification and analytical characterization of highly gamma-carboxylated recombinant human prothrombin J Chromatogr A, 1325, 171-8 | N/AN/AProteinN/A
2014 | N/A | N/A | SEC | Others-nanotube | N/A | Rod Hydrodynamics and Length Distributions of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Using Analytical Ultracentrifugation Langmuir, 30 (17), pp 4895-4904 | N/AN/AOthers-nanotubeN/A
2014 | Zenix SEC-100 | N/A | SEC | Liposome | N/A | Folate-Targeted Liposome Encapsulating Chitosan/Oligonucleotide Polyplexes for Tumor Targeting AAPS PharmSciTech, 15(5), 1087-92 | Zenix SEC-100N/ALiposomeN/A
2014 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Protein-Kinase | N/A | Probing Kinase Activation and Substrate Specificity with an Engineered Monomeric IKK2 Biochemistry, 53(12), 2064-73 | Zenix SEC-300N/AProtein-KinaseN/A
2014 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | Converting a Binding Protein into a Biosensing Conformational Switch Using Protein Fragment Exchange Biochemistry, 53 (34), pp 5505-5514 | Zenix SEC-300N/AProteinN/A
2014 | SRT SEC-150 | 215150-7830 | SEC | Protein | BcRsaM protein | RsaM: a transcriptional regulator of Burkholderia spp. with novel fold FEBS J. 2014 Sep;281(18):4293-306 | SRT SEC-150215150-7830ProteinBcRsaM protein
2014 | SRT SEC-150 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | Sensor domain of histidine kinase KinB of Pseudomonas: a helix-swapped dimer J Biol Chem, 289(18), 12232-44 | SRT SEC-150N/AProteinN/A
2014 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | High-throughput ion exchange purification of positively charged recombinant protein in the presence of negatively charged dextran sulfate Biotechnol Prog, 30(2), 516-20 | Zenix SEC-300N/AProteinN/A
2014 | Zenix SEC-100 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | Influence of molecular weight on intracellular antioxidant activity of invasive silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) protein hydrolysates Journal of Functional Foods | Zenix SEC-100N/AProteinN/A
2014 | Zenix SEC-100 | N/A | SEC | Polymer | N/A | Anticancer polymeric nanomedicine bearing synergistic drug combination is superior to a mixture of individually-conjugated drugs J Control Release, 187, 145-57 | Zenix SEC-100N/APolymerN/A
2013 | SRT-1000 | 215950-4630 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | Pfs25-CP VLP | A Plant-Produced Pfs25 VLP Malaria Vaccine Candidate Induces Persistent Transmission Blocking Antibodies against Plasmodium falciparum in Immunized Mice
| SRT-1000215950-4630VLP/Virus/VaccinePfs25-CP VLP
2013 | Proteomix SAX-NP (4.6 mm × 150 mm, 5 μm; Sepax) | 403NP5-4615 | IEX | DNA/RNA/OLIGO | 5.8S and 5S rRNA | A High-Throughput Quantitative Approach Reveals More Small RNA Modifications in Mouse Liver and Their Correlation with Diabetes Yan, Menghong, et al. "A high-throughput quantitative approach reveals more small RNA modifications in mouse liver and their correlation with diabetes." Analytical chemistry 85.24 (2013): 12173-12181. | Proteomix SAX-NP (4.6 mm × 150 mm, 5 μm; Sepax)403NP5-4615DNA/RNA/OLIGO5.8S and 5S rRNA
2013 | SRT SEC-150 | 215150-7825 | SEC | Protein | Lysozyme-like Protein, STM3605 protein | New sub-family of lysozyme-like proteins shows no catalytic activity: crystallographic and biochemical study of STM3605 protein from Salmonella Typhimurium Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics volume 14, pages1–10 (2013) | SRT SEC-150215150-7825ProteinLysozyme-like Protein, STM3605 protein
2013 | Proteomix SAX-NP3 | 403NP3-7815 | IEX | Fusion Protein | desialylated protein | LC/MS Charge Variant Characterization of an ECD-Fc Fusion Protein using OFFGEL and SAX Fractionation Workflows
| Proteomix SAX-NP3403NP3-7815Fusion Proteindesialylated protein
2013 | SRT SEC-1000 | 215950-4630 | SEC | VLP/Virus/Vaccine | Pfs25-CP VLP. | A plant-produced Pfs25 VLP malaria vaccine candidate induces persistent transmis
| SRT SEC-1000215950-4630VLP/Virus/VaccinePfs25-CP VLP.
2013 | SRT SEC-1000 | N/A | SEC | Vaccine | N/A | A Plant-Produced Pfs25 VLP Malaria Vaccine Candidate Induces Persistent Transmission Blocking Antibodies against Plasmodium falciparum in Immunized Mice PLOS ONE 8(11): e79538. | SRT SEC-1000N/AVaccineN/A
2013 | Nanofilm SEC-500 | N/A | SEC | Fusion Protein | N/A | Crystallogenesis of Adenosine A2A Receptor—T4 Lysozyme Fusion Protein: A Practical Route for the Structure Methods in Enzymology, Volume 520, ISSN 0076-6879 | Nanofilm SEC-500N/AFusion ProteinN/A
2013 | N/A | N/A | IEX | Oligonucleotides | N/A | Factors influencing the separation of oligonucleotides using reversed-phase/ion-exchange mixed-mode high performance liquid chromatography columns Journal of Chromatography A: Volume 1304, 23 August 2013, Pages 69-77 | N/AN/AOligonucleotidesN/A
2013 | Bio-C8 | N/A | OTHER | Protein | N/A | Small serum protein-1 changes the susceptibility of an apoptosis-inducing metalloproteinase HV1 to a metalloproteinase inhibitor in habu snake (Trimeresurus flavoviridis) J Biochem. 2013 Jan; 153(1): 121-129. | Bio-C8N/AProteinN/A
2013 | N/A | N/A | OTHER | Protein | N/A | Modeling of protein electrophoresis in silica colloidal crystals having brush layers of polyacrylamide Electrophoresis. 2013 Mar; 34(5): 753-760. | N/AN/AProteinN/A
2013 | N/A | N/A | IEX | DNA/RNA | N/A | Microfluidic Integration of Parallel Solid-Phase Liquid Chromatography Anal. Chem., 85 (5), pp 2999-3005 | N/AN/ADNA/RNAN/A
2013 | Polar-Imidazole | N/A | OTHER | Others | N/A | Differential Effects of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine on Motor Behavior and Dopamine Levels at Brain Regions in Three Different Mouse Strains Korean J Physiol Pharmacol., 17(1), 89-97 | Polar-ImidazoleN/AOthersN/A
2013 | Nanofilm SEC-500 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | Structure of a PLS-class Pentatricopeptide Repeat Protein Provides Insights into Mechanism of RNA Recognition Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288, 31540-31548 | Nanofilm SEC-500N/AProteinN/A
2013 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Fusion Protein | N/A | Coupled affinity and sizing chromatography: A novel in-process analytical tool to measure titer and trend Fc-protein aggregation Journal of Immunological Methods, Volume 393, Issues 1-2, Pages 81-85 | Zenix SEC-300N/AFusion ProteinN/A
2013 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | PEG/PEGylated Protein | N/A | Optimization of random PEGylation reactions by means of high throughput screening Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Volume 111, Issue 1, pages 104-114 | Zenix SEC-300N/APEG/PEGylated ProteinN/A
2013 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Bispecific Antibody | N/A | Knobs-into-holes antibody production in mammalian cell lines reveals that asymmetric afucosylation is sufficient for full antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity MAbs, 5(6), 872-81 | Zenix SEC-300N/ABispecific AntibodyN/A
2013 | SRT SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Membrane Protein | N/A | Steroid-based facial amphiphiles for stabilization and crystallization of membrane proteins PNAS, vol. 110 no. 13 | SRT SEC-300N/AMembrane ProteinN/A
2013 | SRT SEC-300 | 215300-7830 | SEC | Fusion Protein | ALK1-Fc fusion protein | Characterization of Fc-fusion protein aggregates derived from extracellular domain disulfide bond rearrangements Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 102.2 (2013): 441-453. | SRT SEC-300215300-7830Fusion ProteinALK1-Fc fusion protein
2013 | SRT SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Membrane Protein | N/A | The rhodopsin-transducin complex houses two distinct rhodopsin molecules Journal of Structural Biology, Volume 182, Issue 2, Pages 164-172 | SRT SEC-300N/AMembrane ProteinN/A
2013 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | ADC | N/A | Trastuzumab-Doxorubicin Conjugate Provides Enhanced Anti-Cancer Potency and Reduced Cardiotoxicity Journal of Cancer Therapy, Vol.4 No.1 | Zenix SEC-300N/AADCN/A
2012 | SRT SEC-500 | N/A | SEC | BsMAb | ant-TNF-ang2 bsMab | Simultaneous targeting of TNF and Ang2 with a novel bispecific antibody enhances
| SRT SEC-500N/ABsMAbant-TNF-ang2 bsMab
2012 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | Rapid quantification of protein–polyethylene glycol conjugates by multivariate evaluation of chromatographic data Journal of Chromatography A, Volume 1257, Pages 41-47 | Zenix SEC-300N/AProteinN/A
2012 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Antibody | N/A | Aglycosylated antibodies and antibody fragments produced in a scalable in vitro transcription-translation system mAbs, Volume 4, Issue 2, pages 217-225 | Zenix SEC-300N/AAntibodyN/A
2012 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | Accurate retention time determination of co-eluting proteins in analytical chromatography by means of spectral data Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Volume 110, Issue 3, pages 683-693, | Zenix SEC-300N/AProteinN/A
2011 | SRT SEC-150 | 215150-7825 | SEC | Protein | Protein | High-throughput protein purification and quality assessment for crystallization Methods Volume 55, Issue 1, September 2011, Pages 12-28 | SRT SEC-150215150-7825ProteinProtein
2011 | Nanofilm SEC-250 | N/A | SEC | Protein | N/A | An enzyme from the earthworm Eisenia fetida is not only a protease but also a deoxyribonuclease Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 407 (2011) 113–117 | Nanofilm SEC-250N/AProteinN/A
2011 | Nanofilm SEC-150 | N/A | SEC | 2-AA Labeled Glycan Standards, Others | N/A | Porcine dentin sialoprotein glycosylation and glycosaminoglycan attachments BMC biochemistry | Nanofilm SEC-150N/A2-AA Labeled Glycan Standards, OthersN/A
2011 | Zenix SEC-300 | N/A | SEC | Antibody | N/A | Antibody solubility behavior in monovalent salt solutions reveals specific anion effects at low ionic strength Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 101, Issue 3, pages 965-977 | Zenix SEC-300N/AAntibodyN/A
2008 | Nanofilm SEC-250 | N/A | SEC | GPCR, Membrane Protein | N/A | Stabilization of the β2-adrenergic Receptor 4-3-5 Helix Interface by Mutagenesis of Glu-1223.41, A Critical Residue in GPCR Structure J Mol Biol. 2008 March 7; 376(5): 1305–1319 | Nanofilm SEC-250N/AGPCR, Membrane ProteinN/A